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Dear Visitor

Assalamu Alaikum W.B

Welcome to ‘H.A.English School’ (HAES), a Institute that believes in making a difference in the life of every child we admit!

Allah (SWT) I says in the Qur’an:

                       "O you who have Imaan! Save yourselves and your families from the fire (of Jahannam)".

 Today we live at a critical time in the spiritual history of man. Perhaps at no other time in history has the disbelief in and disregard for the Divine and the sacred been more prevalent than today. At the same time, a concerted effort is underway to bring Muslim society and culture into alignment with the overall modernist project and to secularize Islam in the same way that Christianity and Judaism have been secularized.

The Quranenjoins  Muslims, and in fact all of humanity, to hold firmly to the rope of Allah I and not be dissuaded by the glitter and clamour of modernity. And this cannot be accomplished without proper Islamic knowledge and Tarbiyah. To stem the tide of secular materialism in Muslim society, re-strengthen our community’s connection to Rabb of all the universe, and save our children from a life of enslavement to the ideology of materialism and other ills of modern living, we as one Muslim nation need to take care of our next generation and up bring them in a way as prescribed by the Shari’ah.

H.A.English School (HAES) offers an Islamic environment with Tarbiyah for boys and girls where Islamic education and Tarbiyah is woven skillfully and articulately throughout the curriculum and into the daily educational experiences of our children. The Institution provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to learning and a unifying principle of education. It believes that Ultra-modern educational institutions with Islamic environment providing value oriented education and Tarbiyah are the need of the hour and it is the best possible way to train young minds to face the world.

 We at HAES try and gain the maximum out of our children by molding their behavior in accordance with the Shari’ah. One of the most important objectives of our Tarbiyah Programme is to nurture them till they reach such a stage where they can fulfil all their duties towards Allah I and live a practical life of a Muslim, as shown to us by our beloved Rasoolullah (PBUH).

THE H.A.ENGLISH SCHOOL Managing Committee has the responsibility to supervise the activities and maintain discipline in the school. It ensures that the norms stipulated in Odisha Education Act and of CBSE regarding terms and conditions of service and other rules. It observes holidays and vacations according to instructions of the CBSE and Government of Odisha. It may evolve both short-term and long-term programmes for the improvement of the school. It ensures sanitary conditions and supply of good drinking water. It ensures that the school building, its fixture and furniture, office equipment, laboratories, playground and other properties are properly and carefully maintained. It ensure that the school gets furniture, science equipment, library books and other teaching aids and the requisite sports materials in adequate quantity and on time.

I am immensely delighted and proud to be a part of H.A.ENGLISH SCHOOL. I sincerely appreciate the combined effort of the Principal and teachers in providing avenues to our students to satiate their thirst for knowledge. Meandering through many ups and downs this institution has carved a niche for itself in the Bisra in providing quality education to its pupils since its inception.

The aim of education is not merely to acquire much information. The true education aims at all round development of a being. We should not forget that man is not a single being as he thinks to be, unless, of course, he is fully integrated within himself which is the final aim and product of an assiduous process of education. I hope everyone associated with the school will always strive to work in a direction so as to maintain the high standard of excellence in the sphere of education.

Shakeel Ahmad

Contact Info

     HA English School , Bisra


      +91 9658828887

About Us

H.A.ENGLISH SCHOOL (Affiliated to CBSE,New Delhi Upto +2 Level) began its educational journey in the year 2004 in Bisra of Sundargarh district of Odisha. H.A.E.S is established with the assistance and support of the Ummah Educational & Welfare  Trust.